Saturday, May 11, 2013

Anti Aging – Six Amazing Drinks to Combat Your Age

Women Beauty Health Tips: Anti Aging – Six Amazing Drinks to Combat Your Age.

No one likes to age. People love to look young and beautiful even if the age is increasing. There are various things that a person can do to combat the aging factor. A healthy diet regime can help you look young with beautiful skin. As our skin is the largest organ of our body, you need to take care of it every time. Besides having healthy fruits and vegetables, there are six amazing drinks that can combat the aging factor in us. They are:

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most important drinks that have various anti aging characters. It helps reduce the danger of cancer. Antioxidants present in this tea are 100 times more effective when compared to Vitamin C and 24 times greater than Vitamin E. Green tea also helps us prevent cardiac disease by reducing the cholesterol level.

Hot Cocoa

Another anti aging drink we can consume is Hot Cocoa. Cocoa is widely used in making chocolate, beverages, dessert recipes, medicines, and various beauty remedies. Hot cocoa has a great health benefit for us. It helps us in preventing certain diseases, and repairs damaged cells. It also helps us feel physically and emotionally better. It is known that cocoa also plays a key role in maintaining healthy cholesterol level in the body and decreases the high blood pressure.

Red wine

Most of experts say that there is wide range of health benefits associated with red wine. The resveratrol in red wine has well anti aging properties. It helps to slow the aging factor in us and it is good for our heart as well.


This is the most common drink people love to have, but few of them don’t like to have it. They should know this amazing fact that present in coffee. If you consume coffee regularly in moderate amount, it will be good for your health as it has various anti aging benefits. It protects against certain age-related brain issues such as Alzhemer’s Disease and dementia.  It is also known that coffee can help in preventing Parkinson’s disease.


Most of the adults don’t like to drink milk. They think that it is a childish habit that should be avoided. But, you should know how milk is good for your health. Milk is rich in proteins and our body require large amount of proteins to combat the aging factor. As milk has enough proteins, it can help fight the age factor and balance the protein level in your body.

Collagen is the most important factor to prevent sagging skin. This will help our skin from sagging and wrinkles. Consuming milk can help have enough proteins to your body.

Large portion of our body contains water. Water is very essential for our body to hydrate skin. Consuming enough amount of water can help remove all the unwanted waste from the body and retains fresh look to your skin. One has to drink at least eight glasses of water (three liters) each day.

Related Posts: Anti Aging – Six Amazing Drinks to Combat Your Age

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